
what we do We use modern manufacturing techniques to cut the quality materials into precise and detailed components. We then package this with instructions, tools, fixings, glues and sealants to provide the customer with all they need to construct their own piece of designer furniture.

how we collaborate with designers We research good designs and select those that we think could be adopted by us for fabrication. We approach designers and offer them the opportunity to manufacture their product(s) on their behalf. We offer an attractive licencing fee for each unit sold to ensure their good work is duly rewarded.

Designs are vetted internally by re-modelling and critical review. Modifications are made where the design can be made more robust or easier to assemble. We do this while maintaining the original design intent. We communicate any changes to the designer so that they are kept informed of how their design is developed.

We also invite designers to submit their designs if they would like to have another income stream, or make their products available in a market that would otherwise not be accessible. The agreements are non-exclusive so the designer may also license their design to other producers.

If you would like to know more, please read the design for d-i-ply page.

our values We believe in getting what you pay for and paying for what you get. We value our designers and suppliers as much as our customers and work hard to make sure everyone gets a square deal.

We believe that putting work into the things you own creates value.

who should buy Anyone who wants striking furniture

Anyone who wants to get a high value product for a good price

Anyone who wants a little D.I.Y. project to complete